Category: Staffing

The Apex Alpha Predator - Capturing Alpha for the Intelligent Investor

IMPROVING Staff for Your Company and Your Country!

Losing a key employee can cost a company as much as twice that person’s salary in lost profits! Turnover seems to vary by wage and role of employee. For example, a CAP study found average costs to replace an employee are: 16 percent of annual salary for high-turnover, low-paying jobs (earning under $30,000 a year). For example,…
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Work is Life. Life is Work. Every Firm Should Support Optimal Health.

by BILLY LEE It is SAD to see so many firms overlook the mental and physical health of their employees. Many firms are sold on an ideology that inhibits sound thinking… It is only a change in thinking that will bring about a positive change in higher level human behavior. We cannot solve our problems…
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