It is SAD to see so many firms overlook the mental and physical health of their employees.
Many firms are sold on an ideology that inhibits sound thinking…
It is only a change in thinking that will bring about a positive change in higher level human behavior.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

There are Two General Postures Regarding Employee Well-Being.
- Often, business people have the opinion that one might call “traditionally capitalist or American” – the opinion that it is not the business of a company to tend to the health of its employees.
- On the other side of the coin, people may have the opinion that workers should be forced or coerced in some way to meet certain standards of health; these people might have the idea that some kind of system that gives people a Social Score might be the answer, as the system works in Communist China.
All You Have to Do is Be Human.
Executives at firms need to broaden their understanding of what constitutes mental and physical health. They need to understand that mental and physical health development happens at work, whether we like it or not. Now, the challenge is to ensure that it happens optimally.
This marks a paradigm shift in thinking.
Workers are going to spend at least 8 hours a day or half of their waking hours at work. Workers are dependent on their employer, and employers are dependent on their employees.
Firms Need to Aid Workers in Their Personal Development
In a job market that is especially competitive for both employee and employer, improvement in employee development models is absolutely necessary. An examination of the nature of the health challenge for all of us from a different angle will reap bountiful rewards.
Develop Mindful Supervisors

A mindful supervisor is in a position to observe the strategies and tactics that another worker uses to adapt to his or her environment. This kind of observational analysis is where mindfulness management begins.
Great White Financial, through our business consultation services, can help firms to develop supervisors to take a WHOLISTIC approach to employee management. I have developed and refined this approach over 20 years of working with those striving to achieve peak performance.
There are Keys to Human Development Through Work.
- Perspective – work presents an opportunity to collaborate on improving and refining a process. This pertains to achieving company goals, and it pertains to personal goals for team members.
- Opportunity – collaboration on improving business processes presents opportunities to turn the same process of improvement toward each employee.
- Protocol and Intention – the mindful supervisor is instructed to implement company policy that supports the employee in achieving personal growth. This growth pertains to lifelong learning, physical fitness, emotional stability, and relationship stability. All of these parts of an individual’s life can be fostered by mindful supervisors using optimal employee development models.
Get in touch with Great White Financial to discover what kind of support we can provide in establishing Optimal Growth Models for both your business and your team members!

By Billy Lee

Billy Lee, CEO of Great White Financial, is a sportsman, businessman, artist, speaker, writer, and producer.
Billy is the Founder of the Wellness Institute for Economic Growth and Kairos Athletics.