Watch what you post! You better be right!

The internet keeps a record of what you post to it. (More people should keep that in mind.)
The internet holds people accountable for their statements and viewpoints. It’s a double edge sword for a finance professional or any expert. You better be right!
How to Learn About the Markets; You Will be Right When You can Identify Cycles
In June of 2016, I introduced the ingenious jazz pianist Bill Evans’ teaching approach to illustrate how I teach others about the market.
I published the article in my Mixed Market Artist blog. It presents an approach that I have taken to presenting the financial markets to those eager to learn.
? Ecclesiastes “nothing is new under the sun.”
The article highlights the cyclical nature of the markets. We see many of the features of the cycles of that moment in the markets of today!
In June 2016, my blog featured…?Technicals Inform the Fundamentals – QE4EVER.?Selloff in the Euro?A new cycle in Crude ?China Tanking – Weak Demand?Can the Fed stop Zirpenstein?
Here is the article…
I Hate to Say it (not Really), But I Told You So; A Litany of “I Told You So” Since MMA Inception
In “The Universal Mind of Bill Evans,” an insightful documentary on the creative process of a legendary jazz pianist, Mr. Evans explains that his students are often faced with a problem that might have them choose to venture down several, various “avenues.” He is careful not to choose their path for them. He explains that his belief is that the musician would be deprived of the true educational experience if he were to do so.
(In the video below, you are urged to review Bill Evans’ view on education at minute 35:46. You are urged to view the whole video, especially jazz/market students.)
In a similar spirit, the Mixed Market Artist has never forced perceptions upon readers.
Since its inception the Mixed Market Artist has offered a unique and astoundingly accurate reading of the markets.
- The prolonged execution of Global ZIRP was suggested in Technicals Inform the Fundamentals: QE-4EVER?.
- Mixed Market Artist highlighted the selloff of the Euro in DAZZLING DOLLAR VS EURO MOVE! (SEE THE BIG PICTURE).
- In Crude Analysis of Crude: I Enter the Center of the Cycle! Mixed Market Artist offered an informative and accurate reading on what characterizes the state of the energy cycle.
- Cycle of Weak Global Demand: China Export Number Misses Big! was offered again to reiterate what was seen as confirmation that weak global demand was a key part of the cycle in which we were bound to find ourselves. How much the Fed fails to recognize this!
Back to Fed Talk:

In Can the Fed Stop “Zirpenstein”? Does the Puppet Master Have What it Takes?, commentary beyond the technical/fundamental analysis in “QE 4EVER?” indicated with stronger, more emphatic symbolism and language the circumstances of global-central bank interest rate policy.
An excerpt from that article:
G-ZIRP is unprecedented! There is no model for it. Bernanke, Yellen, and their ilk talk so calmly about this scenario for a couple reasons. They have a false confidence in the pseudo-science that is their life’s study – economics, and they have none of their own money directly on the hook.
The Central Banks of the US and the European Union look more like the Politburo of the former Soviet Union than a group of bankers! Does not anyone see this?
To Bring us to the Present Contrived Controversy, Let’s Talk About Brexit!
(Read more about the absurdity of these catchphrases (like ‘Brexit’) made by the media that drive an infinitesimal, news cycle more given to inflaming certain neuroses in its readers than to serving any worthy human cause in, Can the Fed Stop “Zirpenstein”? Does the Puppet Master Have What it Takes?.)

With all this said and taking a risk at sounding quite haughty and brash, I might say that it is tempting to give up on the average reader.
It does not make much sense to reveal what is hard won. (Again, review the aforementioned excerpt in the Universal Mind of Bill Evans.)
Stay tuned, learned readers. There is more to come…